A Blog on Books and my reviews on it!!

A Blog on the books I read and my honest opinions about them

Saturday 24 April 2010

11, 12 & 13. Seven Ancient Wonders, The Six Sacred Stones and The Five Greatest Warriors by Matthew Reilly

These 3 books are in a series, so I am writing this blog as one.
The author has tried his hand to bring out a trilogy hoping to recreate the magic of Lord of The Rings(He says so himself in an interview). Well, it doesn't come anywhere close to the legendary take of LOTR by Tolkien but it it is surprisingly very captivating with lots of action packed scenes.
It is also a perfect script for an Indiana Jones movie as the story delves into ancient myths and lores, finding hidden treasures hidden by the ancient civilization (the humankind that existed before ours) and contains some pretty bad and ruthless villains.
The main theme of the book is to save the world from the eventual destruction (apocalypse) much like the movie 2012 and Knowing. But here the reason given for the Apocalypse is that at a particular date and time an equal and opposite energy to that of Sun will cross our Solar System and thus destroy everything.
The Ancient Civilization is supposed to have built a machine which when reconstructed would eventually negate this opposite force and thus save our whole solar system. This is what the team of 7-8 people lead by the hero Jack West Jr. set out to do. They start by trying to find the seven ancient wonders of the world in the first book and in the next 2 books they try finding six pillars which are essential to reconstructing this machine that is to save the world.
I know, reading these couple of line would sound very very absurd, even I thought so at first. But the way in which the author (Matthew Reilly) has written the whole thing is fantastic, to say the least.
The book takes you through many interesting and weird locations. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge, Easter Island of Chile, Hanging gardens of Babylon, Cape of Good Hope, A Tribe from the Congo Republic in Africa. Well, its nothing short of a roller coaster journey.
In between you find many traces of the Dan Brown’s book Da Vinci Code. Again here, the author himself admits that this book is his favourite. The Author also compares many of the Egyptian Mythologies to Christianity. One particular thing that really caught me was that the Egyptian Sun God is referred to as Amun-Ra. The Amun here can also be pronounced as Amen (as every Christian prayer ends).
All in all, if you like Ancient Myths and legends, Action thrillers, Indiana Jones movies this would be a good recommendation.
I would rate this entire series as 8 out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. I just read his Temple couple of days back and I loved it.The intense suspense was amazing. Will try out these books too.
