A Blog on Books and my reviews on it!!

A Blog on the books I read and my honest opinions about them

Friday 19 February 2010

4. The Archer's Tale by Bernard Cornwell.

First of all I had never heard of this author. Gopal's manager gave him this book to read (Did he actually think Gopal will read any book!!! After so many struggles from my part, which included me yelling and carrying the book behind him all the time, I could make him read only Da Vinci Code so far)
and well, that was how I ended up with it. I was very apprehensive about starting it, as it was set in 1300's and it was historical fiction and I usually don't read such genre of books. But I was pleasantly surprised. The book was very captivating and entertaining. The details were very good and elaborate.

A brutal raid on the coastal village, Hookton leaves only one survivor, Thomas and he tries taking revenge on the man responsible for this by joining England's army. But apart from this, destiny has one more task for him, the search of the Holy Grail. And in the process he meets many interesting people.
Apart from this fictitious story the places, names and the wars between England and France mentioned here are all true and happened almost exactly as it was explained.

Though its kinda time consuming... definitely not one of those fast paced action thrillers... it's a real good read.
This book also goes by the name "Harlequin"
I already want to read the next in the series, Vagabond.

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